The basis of aromatherapy is essential oils, fragrant light -colored substances contained in different parts of plants.
Aromatherapy is not an invention of a modern era. Just like yoga, ayurveda or massage, she returns to us from the depths of centuries. Although aromatherapy is often confused using pleasantly smelling substances, in fact, colorful “bombs” for baths, flavored gels for “soul and body”, aromatic sticks have nothing to do with this science. The basis of aromatherapy is essential oils, fragrant light -colored substances contained in different parts of plants. It is believed that this etheric component of the plant carries the entire supply of his vitality and energy, so it is called it soul.
The spirit of history
The use of oils is evidenced by cave residents, mention of them is found in the manuscripts of ancient civilizations – from Sumer to Ancient Rome. In ancient Egypt, the bodies of the deceased pharaohs were embalmed with essential oils and treated different diseases. The aromas were an integral part of medicine and life of the whole ancient world.
In cult rituals, the property of essential oils (for example, incense) was often used to influence consciousness. One of the Chinese manuscripts says that “perfumes act purifying and restoring, strengthening energy and filling thoughts with calm and peace”. The first aromatherapeutic ointments based on olive oil were created in ancient Greece.
Arabic scientist Avicenna has discovered a way to extract aromatic essence from plants not with the help of squeeze, but by distillation with water steam, making the production of precious oils more affordable and efficient.
During the Crusades, some ethericular plants were brought from the Middle
East to the south of France – this was the beginning of the Western tradition of aromatherapy.
The successes of aromatherapy in recent times are associated with the name of the French chemist Rene Maurice Gatefosse. He studied essential oils to use their properties in the production of cosmetics, but once, as a result of the explosion in his laboratory, he burned his hand. Due to severe pain, he lowered her into the first vessel that came across, which, fortunately, turned out to be filled with lavender butter. The burn healed surprisingly quickly, and there were no traces left of it.
The successful use of lavender and tea tree oil in hospitals during the First World War finally convinced the chemist of the uniqueness and benefits of essential oils. It was he who introduced the concept of “aromatherapy” as part of herbal tendency. Thanks to the work of his followers, Dr. Jean Valnet and Biochemist, Marguerite Mauri, Aroma Mauri were appreciated and became an integral part of the French cosmetic industry.
Tops and roots
Aromatherapists have about 3,000 ethericle plants. This is a kind of elite of the plant world. The etheric essence is extracted from flowers, leaves, stems, roots, fruits, bark, but never from the pulp of fruits, fruits and berries. Therefore, “tasty” fragrances with the smell of strawberries, mangoes, watermelon are always synthetic products.
As the aromatherapist Elena Aksenova says, on which part of the plant the essence is extracted, the properties and exposure of the oil are directly dependent. So, oils obtained from flowers most often have a sleeping pill or relaxing effect on a person;In resins, wood, cortex, warming essential oils are contained;And the oils extracted from the roots of the plant have a powerful strengthening effect.
Modern science allows you to describe not only chemical, but also molecular features of oils. It turns out that each includes from 900 to 1,500 components, of which, however, only one or two have a particularly bright aroma, and they are easily recognizable for our sense of smell.
But at the cellular level, our body is well aware of the presence (or absence, if we are talking about fake) of all other 1499 components. “Sometimes a person may not feel a pronounced smell,” explains Irina Zhivilina, a specialist-consultant in aromatherapy of the Aroma online store, “but this does not mean that oil does not have his effect”. That is why it is so important that the oil is one hundred percent natural. You can synthesize any smells, but it is impossible to fake natural properties of natural oil. It simply will not act.
The creature is etheric
Many properties are attributed to oils, including magic ones: there are recipes not only “rejuvenating”, “love”, but even “monetary” aromatic baths. As for science, it confirms that aromatherapy acts at three levels: psycho -emotional, physiological and molecular. The psycho -emotional reaction to the smell is formed at the level of hypothalamus literally after 5-7 minutes.
“It is known that pharmacological (that is, similar to drugs) the effect of essential oils on people, as a rule, the same,” says aroma therapist Julia Irisova. – For example, for the vast majority of people, anise oil is a coughing remedy for bronchitis. While the psycho -emotional effect can be completely different.